Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blog Post 9

I knew right away that I would like this post because the first words I saw were
Stay positive.

Mr. McClung reminds us, as teachers, to constantly check for student apprehension. We don't need to focus so much on ourselves when we're giving a lesson. If we do that we will become unconnected from our audience. Mr. McClung stresses to let our audience drive our lesson plans. He also stresses to be flexible. If a lesson doesn't go as planned, then smile and go with the flow. Mr. McClung believes "communication is the best medicine." Be reasonable. If a student doesn't meet an expectation that you, the teacher, has set for them then pick them up, dust them off and encourage them to try again. Dr. Strange's favorite tip from Mr. McClung- Don't be afraid of technology. It's a great tip! Technology is here to help us and it can enhance learning greatly. Listening to your students is another very valuable piece of advice. Knowing your students will make teaching them that much more effective. Actually this may be Dr. Strange's favorite tip- Never stop learning. Students are expected to learn so why not teachers?


  1. "Students are expected to learn so why not teachers?" A good question. Another good question is why do many teachers not adhere to what attracted you: Stay Positive?

  2. I liked the "stay positive" statement as well. I like how Mr. McClung points out that if a lesson doesn't go as planned we should smile and keep going. It isn't good for the students to not have any flexibility in the classroom. Good blog post, I agree with what you had to say!
