Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Newspaper Map is Really Neat-
Larry Ferlazzo's post informed us about an easily accessible online newspaper that is displayed on a Google Map. Ferlazzo noted how Newspaper Map is substantially better than another version of an online newspaper, Newseum. Newspaper Map also allows you to choose a language to read articles in.
- Initially, I gave a little description of myself. I let him know a little about EDM 310. Then I confessed to Mr. Ferlazzo that I had never heard of Newspaper Map or Newseum. However, I was interested to find out about it. It seems very helpful and I'll be sure to put it to use. I thought up some cool projects for my future students using Newspaper Map.

Mr. Ferlazzo had a few posts for today, February 2, so I chose the one about school lunches. It's titled “U.S. Late To The Party On School Lunch Makeovers.” I chose this post of all others because I'm a firm believer in good nutrition and wanted to check this out. Ferlazzo posted an NPR article about lunches around the world. When I read the article I also found some pictures of school lunches around the world. It was interesting to see the different meals! Jamie Oliver of Scotland started a program called Hungry For Success a few years ago. The program was successful in providing students with healthful, nutritious lunches. Soon after other countries adopted similar programs. Meanwhile, America has just recently passed a child nutrition bill. Either way I believe nutritious cafeterias can have the most success in academics and in extra-curricular activities.
What's For Lunch?

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